Beiträge von Annemarie Zwicknagl
21. März 2024 – Museum Kitzbühel
Am 21. März 2024 trafen sich 30 Mitglieder um 14.00 Uhr im Museum Kitzbühel. Dr. Marianne Erber führte uns durch die aktuelle Ausstellung „Vom Wagner zum Skierzeuger“, wofür wir uns noch einmal herzlich bedanken. Gerade diese Ausstellung zeigt die Entwicklung unserer Heimatstadt in besonderer Weise auf, hat vieles in Erinnerung gerufen und neue Erkenntnisse gebracht.…
Weiterlesen17. März 2024 – Heimatbühne Kitzbühel
Am Sonntag 17. März 2024, 14.00 Uhr, Kolpinghaus Kitzbühel, spielte für uns die Heimatbühne Kitzbühel ihr neues Stück „Lampengeist“. Wir genossen einen unterhaltsamen Nachmittag und bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei Obmann Stefan Ritter und seiner Supertruppe.
Weiterlesen8. Feber 2024 – Jahreshauptversammlung
Am 8. Feber 2024 fand um 14.00 Uhr unsere Jahreshauptversammlung mit Neuwahl im Gasthof Eggerwirt statt. Die Obfrau konnte dabei als Ehrengäste Bezirksobmann Hans Brandstätter, Landesobfraustellvertreterin Barbara Schwaighofer, Ehrenbürger Prof. Hans Wirtenberger, Altbürgermeister Friedhelm Capellari mit Frau Hedi Capellari und erfreulich viele Mitglieder begrüßen. Nach dem Totengedenken, besonders an die zwei langjährigen Mitglieder Maria Hochmuth…
WeiterlesenHow To Play Free Online Mobile Casinos on Your Mobile Phones
Are you looking for an online mobile casino that has no-cost games? Mobile gaming is fast becoming one of the most popular forms of entertainment available today. Many people want to play casino games on their mobile devices. An online mobile casino is the best way to achieve this. Casino games online on your phone…
WeiterlesenYou can play online slots for Money – A real Money Slot Game
Online slots are all the rage, but many people do not realize that slot machines have existed for a long time. There is no deposit requirement since slot machines don’t rely on luck. Instead winning requires skill and planning. It is important to understand how the system functions before playing online slots for real money.…
WeiterlesenWhy Mobile Casino Slots Is the Best
You can now play crazy slots on your cellular phone with SlotLand Casino. Slot 7 Wild is so familiar to green figurines since they should have heard it in not only in casino ice casino 100 rons, but also in video games, movie malls, or perhaps specific movie houses. It’s one of the earliest versions…
WeiterlesenFree Casino Video Slots There are a variety of free online casino video slots. There are many types of casino video slots for free online. You can play different kinds of bonus vulkan vegas casino rounds and other features. The following details will help you decide the most suitable one for you. Then, you can…
WeiterlesenFree Casino Slots – How Bonus Rounds Work
Slot machines in casinos offer many different strategies to maximize your winnings. While the short-term strategy focuses on winning huge when the trend is favorable, and making sure that you don’t lose money when the trend is bad, the long-term strategy relies on patterns in the payment schedules that span longer time periods. The majority…
WeiterlesenMaking the Right Choice for a Real Money Casinos
Casino players online are growing in number and playing real money games. This is the reason why they have higher expectations for each online casino where they’ll be putting their money. To ensure that the maximum number of players from all over the world are participating at the most reliable online casino websit casinobplaysantafe.topes,
WeiterlesenHow to Find Casino Bonuses Without Deposit
Casinos with no deposit are the ideal way to get started in online casino gambling without the need to invest any money. You can play for free as a beginner player , without any investment or risk. However, before you choose an online casino you must do so Bethardme research on the internet about the…